ICPD +20 Health Review


Women’s Health: Rights, Empowerment and Social Determinants– Follow-up to the implementation of the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development beyond 2014


Held in Mexico City


Direct Quotes from the document:


Background (quoted from the document): “The ICPD Beyond 2014 Coordinating Secretariat, as part of the global review of the implementation of the ICPD Programme of Action, and in collaboration with WHO, convened an expert meeting from 29 September to 2 October, 2013 in Mexico City, Mexico. It complements the ICPD Beyond 2014 International Conference on Human Rights hosted by the Netherlands in July 2013, and the Global Youth Forum hosted by Indonesia in December 2012, by focusing on the health, empowerment and human rights specifically of women and girls. The primary purpose of the meeting was to generate recommendations on effective ways to accelerate progress toward universal access to an integrated package of core sexual and reproductive health services, and protection of the sexual and reproductive rights of girls and women for both the ICPD Beyond 2014 Global Report and the post 2015 development agenda. Participants in the meeting included experts and officials from 21 countries, 5 UN agencies including WHO, the World Bank, UNDP, UN-Women, and UNFPA, 7 international organizations, 6 youth organizations, a scientific journal, 4 universities in the North, and 2 foundations.”


71 references to abortion, for example:


Recommendation 1: Governments must specifically plan to reduce inequalities in SRHR through the following actions: a. Reorient the primary health care system to provide SRH information and services as one of its key priorities, with effective referral to higher levels of SRH care such as … essential core SRH services (contraception, safe abortion, maternity care, STI and HIV prevention and treatment) in both supply and demand side financing schemes; c. Remove legal, policy and regulatory barriers to the availability and accessibility of SRHR services and information, especially those that restrict adolescents’ access, and those that restrict specific SRH services, such as emergency contraception and safe abortion” “Recommendation 7: Actions, especially by governments and international partners, must be taken to increase access to safe and legal abortion”


4 references to “comprehensive sexuality education, for example:


“Recommendation 10: Governments, with the support of donors, the international community and other stakeholders including adolescents, must make comprehensive sexuality education (CSE), in line with the current gold standard, available to all adolescents, especially those ages 10 to 14, in and out of school.”




“The 1994 International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) and subsequent intergovernmental meetings established global consensus on the importance of universal access to sexual and reproductive health, and protection of reproductive rights (SRHR).”


Click here to read the ICPD +20 Health Review.